The Ultimate Fighter Season 12 Episode 7

When I first learned that GSP and Koscheck were going to be the next coaches on The Ultimate Fighter I had planned on recaping the shows from the beginning. But I guess I got busy with my other blog and life in general and by the time I realized the show had started we were already 6 episodes in. If I had even one friend with a similar interest in the show then they could have reminded me that I was missing it. But I don’t. So as you can see, this is why I need internet friends. I should probably just get new real life friends, but this is easier since I don’t actually have to get off my ass to meet people. So yes, I’m starting my recaps at the end of the season. Oh well. I just watched episodes 1-6 in a row and now I’m all caught up. I’m loving this season and loving the fighters.
Bruce Leroy, Mohawk, and Fisherman (yes, I make up my own nicknames) were my early favorites and still are. Although I’m really liking Brookins now too.
I’m so pissed that I’m behind, but I gotta start somewhere so here goes, episode 7 recap:

The show starts and Koscheck is sad because his team sucks.

We go straight into the fight announcement: Mohawk vs Sako.

No one thinks Mohawk stands a chance. Dana says GSP is throwing him to the wolves. GSP disagrees.

Paige returns from surgery on his broken hand. He interviews that everything happens for a reason, and…. and…. uh…..
He can’t even finish that sentence because he knows it’s bullshit. Bad shit happens and it sucks. There is no special reason for it.

Training time with Team GSP: Mohawk has an Indian name and it’s not Mohawk, it’s Red Horse. My bad Red Horse. Drunky thinks Koscheck should have asked Red Horse’s permission to live in the States. I think Drunky needs to fight more and talk less. Stick with what you’re good at, that’s my motto.

Red Horse not only wants to win for himself, but he wants to rep for his entire race because they don’t have any positive modern day role models to look up to. GSP believes in him because even though he isn’t as skilled as the other fighters, he’s got heart. I love an underdog and it’s all so fucking sweet I think I might cry if he actually manages to win. I’m already imagining this song playing over the speakers as he walks in to Octagon for his first fight while the stands are packed with his people chanting his name and waving their flags.

Koscheck, still unable to upset GSP, starts picking on the medic. Kos definitely has ambition in the shit talking department, but he’s majorly lacking in skill. He calls the guy a “male nurse” like 26 times because apparently that was the only insult he could come up with. The medic walks off and Kos says  “I think I won that one”.  Haha. Ok. Congrats on your win Kos.

On to Team Koscheck training: Sako tells the story of how he was shot in the leg by gang bangers by being in the wrong place at the wrong time. What is this, like battle of the sob stories today? Who else isn’t believing the “wrong place, wrong time” defence? Gang bangers don’t walk around shooting people in the legs for no reason. My guess is it was a drug deal gone bad.
Kos talks about how the sport will teach you discipline and respect, but it may take a while. It’s certainly been taking him a while. It’s been what, 5+ years? Any day now… any day.

Next we move on to the coaches challenge. It’s baseball. A sport not exactly native to Quebec. Dana White explains that this is the first time GSP has ever held a bat in his life. So then I gotta wonder Dana, did you chose this challenge on purpose because you felt bad for Kos and just wanted him to win something? Is this a pity challenge?? Obviously Kos won. His team was soooo happy and Dana was happy that they were happy. Total set up.

Fight day is here.

They had an entertaining first round. It actually looked like Red Horse was going to win in the first minute with a guillotine, but Sako got out of it.  It was a close first round and hard to tell who came out on top.

Sako definitely won the second round. My boy Red Horse was tired and it really showed. But he held his own and really fared better than anyone expected considering the difference in skill level between the two fighters.

It looked like it might go into a 3rd round, but it didn’t. Sako won the fight by decision.

Brookins pointed out that the fight could have ended very differently had Sako not grabbed the fence twice to prevent a take down. I agree.

Is it ironic that the fight replays are sponsored by Burger King and Miller Light, two things a professional athlete should probably not be putting into their body?

My boy may have lost, but everyone was very impressed by him. I think they all expected him to be taken out in the first round. Back in the locker room Red Horse got an applause for his effort even though he lost, while Sako received this for his win:
Moral is not looking good on the yellow team.

I was hoping GSP would be able to convince Dana to give Red Horse a wild card spot. He tried, but was unsuccessful. The spots go to Aaron Wilkinson and Marc Stevens. They are both deserving and even though I was rooting for Red Foot, it was a fair decision.

Next week Kos picks on the medic again, and we get to see the two team mates face off for another shot at winning the show. I’m not ready to put money on it just yet, but I’m thinking the Brit might take this one.

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2 Responses to The Ultimate Fighter Season 12 Episode 7

  1. Katie says:

    Well UFC huh?
    I always think that the fights are very homoerrotic. I like it when they hug it out.

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